Scholarship of 150,000 ~ 30,000 yen / month for graduate students.
Starts fall of year 2010 For the detailed information
LSBM, at RCAST, The University of Tokyo
Molecular Dynamics for Antibody Drug Development
Genome Science Division, RCAST,
The University of Tokyo
Epigenome & Signaling Cluster,
the University of Tokyo
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo offers three programs for graduate students who want to pursue a Ph.D. Degree. In these programs, students will participate in meetings and seminars of interdisciplinary areas. The students will belong to one or more research groups and study in the most advanced research environment under the direction of principal investigators. A variety of programs are also available for adult students. You will receive the maximum of 150,000 yen per month if you are selected for a scholarship program.
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) has three programs for students who want to pursue a PhD degree.
A research project for each student will be determined though close discussions with supervisors .
So to see how the campus life at RCAST will be.
Unlock the mysteries of human life with the most advanced research facilities.
LSBM has several scholarship programs for each research subject.
Provide training program that is most appropriate for each company employees.